You know, for a bunch of guys who claim to have JC as their "Big Brother," you would think HE would have filled them in on which way the world turns.
Hell, even the soap opera got it right!
Awkward indeed!
i've heard it mentioned a few times.. the rotating earth graphic in the background on jwtv rotates backwards.. i've mentioned it to the active and they are not concerned at all.. my response is, "it's something they are portraying that cannot be more wrong".. .
two gb members have stood in front of it telling us to trust them.
how can you when they think the sun rises in the west.... .
You know, for a bunch of guys who claim to have JC as their "Big Brother," you would think HE would have filled them in on which way the world turns.
Hell, even the soap opera got it right!
Awkward indeed!
i've heard it mentioned a few times.. the rotating earth graphic in the background on jwtv rotates backwards.. i've mentioned it to the active and they are not concerned at all.. my response is, "it's something they are portraying that cannot be more wrong".. .
two gb members have stood in front of it telling us to trust them.
how can you when they think the sun rises in the west.... .
College Smollege.
What the hell do those physicists know.
i've heard it mentioned a few times.. the rotating earth graphic in the background on jwtv rotates backwards.. i've mentioned it to the active and they are not concerned at all.. my response is, "it's something they are portraying that cannot be more wrong".. .
two gb members have stood in front of it telling us to trust them.
how can you when they think the sun rises in the west.... .
I'm upsetted by the fact that they don't portray it as flat!
Oh gosh, I absolutely love this!
Thanks for pointing this out KAIROS!
seriously, i am so thankful that the org has officially allowed the use of ipads and tablets at the kingdom hall!.
it is the only thing that keeps me sane while sitting there....being able to log on to this site while pretending to follow along with the program!.
i think i would have literally lost my mind without this lifeline!.
You must also thank Jehovah for wireless internet.
so at the zoned visit, tough tony remarked how inactive ones had "blood on their hands" for not warning the unsuspecting inhabitants of earth of their impending doom at armageddon.
could it be true that the society is at least equally bloodguilty for the same offense?.
if there was one way watchtower could warn the entire inhabited earth of their sudden destruction all at once, it would certainly be on the internet.. and the perfect opportunity to warn the entire inhabited earth of the impending destruction would be to answer a "frequently answered question" in an honest and forthright manner.
So at the Zoned Visit, Tough Tony remarked how inactive ones had "blood on their hands" for not warning the unsuspecting inhabitants of Earth of their impending doom at Armageddon. Could it be true that the society is at least equally bloodguilty for the same offense?
If there was one way watchtower could warn the entire inhabited earth of their sudden destruction all at once, it would certainly be on the Internet.
And the perfect opportunity to warn the entire inhabited earth of the impending destruction would be to answer a "frequently answered question" in an honest and forthright manner. The question is:
"Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Feel That They Are the Only People Who Will Be Saved?"
The answer, according to is:
Really? "No"?
You can read the rest of their answer here at
So you have the absolute perfect opportunity to warn the entire friggin world that they are about to perish unless they become a JW -- and your answer is "no."
We know they're capable of being "honest" and "forthright". . . . . Hell, our witness friends and family are extolling Tony as a "straight shooter". . . . . at least when it comes to the tightness of your pants.
Yes pants. . . . we're gonna be honest about pants. But 99.9% of humankind dying at Armageddon. . . . . well. .. . . .
So, who is really bloodguilty here?
i became employed with my current company after high school in 1995. i'm a manager and make decent income for the area i live ($65k).
it provides for the basic and some extra.
i have a wife and a daughter.
After working almost twenty years at my job, I left.
At the time I had full medical benefits, full tuition assistance, a 401k with an 80% employer match, and was making between $75-$80k a year. Not bad for a HS education.
When I left, I had already started college PT because I knew I didn't want to this for the rest of my life.
The game changer was 1) a modest "incentive" from the company to leave and 2) my professor (one of the top in the field in the world) said it would be a shame to let my mind go to waste. She said, "You owe it to yourself to do this with your life."
So I guess my recommendation would be: if you haven't started classes, start. See how you like it before you do anything drastic, and then go from there.
For me, the signs that it was time to "move on" could not have been clearer. It was almost a non-decision.
seinfeld was a show about "nothing.
" it had no plot.
no twists.
SEINFELD - no clear theme, characters whining about inane stuff
ZONE VISIT MEETING - no clear theme, characters whining about inane stuff
Yes, quite similar!
now that the jws have entered the world of fashion law enforcement we need to be on guard against certain dangerous associates.. .
len miller.
[with my best Andrew "Dice" Clay/Tony Morris impression] :
"What are they, a couple of HO-MOs?"
How about being interviewed by Howard Stern?
This would be awesome.
I'm sure Billy West could do a dead-on Tony Morris impression.
so, how many times have we heard this expression (or a variation of it):.
"jehovah's spirit seems to be blocked here in the congregation...perhaps he is bringing something to light...etc".
it seems that the org often uses this expression, and links it with the "fact" that god wont bless a cong as much,(or at all) if there is "stuff" or "sins" being carried out.. so, why is it then that the cong i am in is experiencing its best years of activity in all aspects?
Some Metamucil should clear that blockage.